Project 130 Provides Benefits to Preservation

In a recent letter of support, Railroad Artifact Preservation Society (RAPS), the restoration group undertaking the overhaul of former A.T. & S.F. locomotive 5000, exclaims that they "...would like to commend [CSR] and its efforts to rescue former Santa Fe Railway steam locomotive #3463."  

Aside from providing support for the "rescue" of locomotive 3463 and the actions the Great Overland Station took to see that the locomotive was kept safe, RAPS President Sam D. Teague also complimented CSR on the research it is undertaking.

He writes:

...since your organization is clearly aimed at technological development, two of those advances will have a direct, positive impact on preserving other operable steam locomotives. First, the sustainably‐sourced, carbon‐neutral, low‐ash torrefied biomass fuel will provide a clean, lower cost, and readily substitutable alternative to traditional coal. Second, the advanced water treatment program will vastly increase boiler life.

Though CSR is a research and development organization not a railroad preservation group, the work it is undertaking and the careful way it will modify its 1937-built locomotive provides benefit to railroad preservation overall. That said, CSR is always happy to receive support from preservation groups that forsee a benefit in the work it is pursuing and the technologies it refines.

Click on the image of 5000's number board above or this link to read the entire letter.
